Battle of The Atlantic Events list

Published: 10th May

Here is a list of how we are involved in The Battle of The Atlantic event in Liverpool - Find us berthed at Royal Albert Dock.

Friday, May 26th

13.00 – 17.00

13.30 Gerry Ffrench and Yesterday’s Men (promenade deck)

14.30 Talk by historian David Hearn on the role of the Merchant Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic (Art Deco saloon)

15.30 Gerry Ffrench and Yesterday’s Men (promenade deck)

Saturday, May 27th

13.00 – 17.00

13.30 Port Sunlight Sea Dogs

14.30 Talk by David McNamee: 50 years at Sea (Art Deco saloon), finishing with his time as skipper of the Danny, and the volunteers research into the Danny’s service during WWII assisting vessels into  port after Atlantic crossings.

15.30 Port Sunlight Sea Dogs


Sunday, May 28th

13.00 – 17.00

13.00 Tippin’ it Up

15.00 Talk by historian David Hearn on the role of the Merchant Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic (Art Deco Saloon)


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