4th May
Running From: - 11:00 AM
We start our cruise at 1100 hrs and pass through the Sutton Weaver Swing Bridge before winding our way through some of the river's most stunning scenery as we head for Dutton Locks. The final leg is to Acton Bridge, which dates from 1930’s and although of impressive size, the bridge swings with just the use of a few horsepower due to its weight being borne by a floating pontoon. We will not be sailing through this bridge however as this is the finishing point for our journey. More information on this cruise can be found here There will also be Real Ale on draught on this cruise!
As there is no public parking at Sutton Weaver Swing Bridge, we operate a Park & Ride coach to both take you to the Danny and return you to your car at the end of your cruise. Please park in the Anderton Boat Lift car park (CW9 6FW) where our coach will collect you at 1015 hrs. Our Stewards will be there to meet you and assist you with boarding the coach.
Parking charges apply at Anderton Boat Lift.
Please be aware that if you make your own arrangements to be dropped off at Sutton Weaver you will also need to make arrangements to be collected from Acton Bridge at the end of the cruise, as our coach will only be returning passengers to their vehicles at Anderton Boat Lift.